Monday, February 23, 2009

Natural Beauty and Your Wallet

Today, there are so many various companies anxious to sell their version of wrinkle cream. Because there are just so many choices it can be hard to decide which one is best for you. Never the less, these creams are in high demand and the prices remain very expensive for these types of creams.

Most of us or can I say all of us want to look beautiful, appealing and would like to have heads turn as we walk down. We would like to have our skin glow. We turn almost every page of the magazine and imagine ourselves to be the beautiful lady on it who has used the Best wrinkle cream in the market. But the question is at what price? The second question is can I afford it?

The companies claim that the best wrinkle creams include ingredients made from aloe vera, cucumber and other natural ingredients, but is it actually true? Actually most of these lotions contain cream. Does anyone ever stop to consider if putting these store bought creams on their face are actually harmful? Also, consideration should be given that these creams may not even be worth the price.

Many of these creams are really very good for the skin but at times these erupt allergies. Sometimes if these creams are used by youngsters with avery soft sensitive skin these may cause wrinkles or rashes.

Scandle believes that natural beauty, spa and skin-care products are your best bet. All natural products are the best thing you can apply to your skin. They have no synthetics and are the easiest on your wallet...and we can all use the help these days!;-)

What are some of your favorite natural spa, beauty, and skin care products?

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