Friday, December 11, 2009

Relieving the pain, the natural way to combat arthritis

The word 'arthritis' means 'inflammation of the joints'. The two most common forms of arthritis are osteo and rheumatoid.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) not only affects the joints of the fingers, hips, knees and feet, but also the muscles and other tissues of the body. RA affects 1.3 million Americans and the cause is unknown.

There are several new drugs approved by the FDA for the management of RA but there are also some natural remedies that can produce the same results:

Well-balanced diet:

  • People who have or are at risk for arthritis should consume foods that aid in the production of alkaline in the blood. Eat fruit and vegetables in the form of salads and at least two cooked vegetables a day.
  • In most cases a raw vegetable juice therapy three times a day for about a week, aids in pain and swelling reduction. The therapy should be conducted at intervals of every two months for maximum relief.
  • For every one pound of weight lost, there is a four pound reduction in the load exerted on
    the knee for each step taken during daily activities.

Raw Potato Juice Therapy:

  • Considered one of the most successful biological treatments
  • Cut a medium-sized potato (with skin) into thin slices and place into a large glass container filled with cold water, let it set overnight
  • Drink in the morning on an empty stomach
Bodywork and Massage:
  • There are various therapies and massage techniques aimed at aiding in the relief of joint pain and muscle aches
  • Some of the techniques do need a trained professional but some others you can learn to do on your own.
  • A simple massage to achy joints and muscles will aid in the overall pain reduction. For some tips, see this Scandle-ous review from Coupon Dad.
Got any natural treatments or therapies to help relieve the pain? Let us know........

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