Vote for Scandle Body Candle!!!!
Greenwala and helpareporterout.com want your help identifying stories about the most amazing eco-friendly, environmentally-conscious companies, products and services on the planet.
Submit a photo of the company (product, logo, or representative image) and a description – up to 500 words about how it is helping to reduce our impact on the planet and revolutionize the green economy. The story that gets the most votes will win a $500 Amex Gift card — and a featured article about the company, product or service on the Greenwala blog.Greenwala is planting an additional tree for each entry with Trees For the Future.
To vote for Scandle, click here. To enter your company or product follow the rules below.How to Submit:
1. Upload your photo and descritpion of the most amazing eco-based story!
2. Click the Submit Entry tab and follow the steps provided.
3. Tell your friends to come to Greenwala and vote for or share your entry!
Winner will be selected from the top 10 vote getters by Greenwala.com editiorial staff.
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